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Tokyo smart service project

Hello,Smart Tokyo.

With your hands, With marvelous technologies,
Let's start, Smart Tokyo

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government aims to create a "Smart Tokyo," a convenient and comfortable city that makes use of advanced technologies. The purpose of this project is to quickly create new services that enhance the convenience and the QOL(quality of life) of residents in Tokyo by bringing together startups and other stakeholders who are highly creative and mobile in collaboration with each area.



本事業について説明イラスト画像 本事業について説明イラスト画像(スマートフォン用)

※1"Smart Service Promoter": Private-sector business operators promoting smart service implementation in collaboration with Tokyo Metropolitan Government

※2"Smart City's Field & Infrastructure Provider": Area management organizations and their constituents, cooperating companies, and entities such as government agencies that involved in providing, developing and operating smart city's field and infrastructure.

※3"Startups etc.": Private-sector business operators responsible for implementing smart services in collaboration with Smart City's Field & Infrastructure Providers and Smart Service Promoters.


In order to promote the social implementation of smart services toward the realization the Smart Tokyo, we will establish a framework in which startups and area management organizations that provide field & infrastructure of smart city such as urban operating systems can collaborate.


In this project, private-sector business operators promoting smart service implementation in collaboration with Tokyo Metropolitan Government will be selected as "Smart Service Promoter".
Smart Service Promoters will work flexibly with Smart City's Field & Infrastructure Providers and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government to provide diverse technical, financial, and network support over a three-year period to startups and other stakeholders that responsible for implementing smart services. Representative cases of smart service implementation in Tokyo will be created.


Integrator Support

This project outsources part of the project operation work and the support work for Smart Service Promoters to a private-sector business operator (integrator).
Smart Service Promoters can receive mentoring, networking, and other support from integrators.
Through sharing of progress and mentoring, the Smart Service Promoters can receive advice and other assistance that will contribute to improving the efficiency of their efforts and maximizing their outcomes & outputs.

Payment of Performance-based Agreement Fee

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government will pay a performance-based agreement fee for the outcomes & outputs of efforts made by the Smart Service Promoters in collaboration with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and in accordance with the main objectives of this project.
The KPI Evaluation Committee will evaluate the status of achievement of the KPIs set by the Smart Service Promoters and the overall project outcomes& outputs, and the amount of the agreement payment will depends on the result of evaluation.
The maximum amount of the performance-based agreement fee is 80 million yen for the first year and 110 million yen for the following years.


Project Flow

Project Flow

Project Flow

Schedule(Slide right to view)

Project Flow

Please note that the schedule may change


Smart Service Promoter selected in 2022

TIS Inc.

Date of Establishment: 4/1/2008 (Founded on 4/28/1971)
TIS Inc. provides "IT to support growth strategies" as a business partner in diverse industries, including financial, industrial, public, and distribution service sectors, through its business activities centered on system integration, system development, outsourcing, consulting, and cloud services.
TIS aims to realize an affluent society by providing IT services that co-create with society and customers through the industry knowledge and IT construction capabilities they have cultivated over the past 50 years.

Plug and Play Japan

Date of Establishment: 7/14/2017
Plug and Play Japan was established in 2017 as the Japanese base of Plug and Play, headquartered in Silicon Valley.
They support co-creation between major companies and domestic and foreign startups with the aim of building an innovation platform that expands the range of possibilities "from Japan to the world" and "from the world to Japan" and produces many companies that will lead the era on a global scale.

Bornrex & Co., Ltd.

Date of Establishment: 10/7/2013
With the mission of "WakuWaku the World", Bornrex & Co., Ltd. mainly provide commercialization support for new businesses.
Their clients range from individual entrepreneurs to growing startups and large corporations.
They provide total support from mission formulation, business model development, and PoC to release of the product.
They also offer a business model in which they launch a business on behalf of the client using them own resources and then sell the business to the client.

Smart Service Promoter selected in 2023


Date of Establishment: 8/20/2015
unerry,Inc. operates Beacon Bank, a real behavior data platform that analyzes real world data to create pleasant experiences that combine real and digital.
We provide analysis and visualization services, behavior change services, and one-to-one services using real behavior big data to various companies and municipalities, and contribute to the development and advancement of services, mainly in the areas of retail DX and smart cities.

CIC Institute (CIC Japan G.K.)

Date of Establishment: 11/1/2018 (Founded on 4/28/1971)
The CIC Institute is a team at CIC Tokyo, one of the largest startup hub in Japan, that conducts innovation creation projects utilizing its knowledge of innovation and startups. We will support the growth of startups and building ecosystems that can achieve global success in collaboration with governments, local governments and universities.

Digital Garage, Inc.

Date of Establishment: 8/17/1995/
Based on marketing/payments, Digital Garage, Inc. has built a modern Internet business by investing in startups and implementing cutting-edge technologies in society. Based on next-generation technologies such as Gen AI and web3(Blockchain), we will create various new contexts in the payment business and new technology areas. In 2010, we launched the Open Network Lab, a startup accelerator program, and promoting it into an open innovation program with large companies to foster startups and implement them in society.

Smart Service Promoter selected in 2024

Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.

Date of Establishment: 19/1/1894(Founded on 9/10/1876)
With its brand statement, "Make the future normal." DNP combines the strengths of its unique P & I (Printing & Information) business to create new value with many partners in order to realize a better, sustainable future. Our three business divisions, Smart Communications, Life & Healthcare, and ElecrotoNikus, are working to realize "Well-being in the age of 100 years."

ReGACY Innovation Group Inc.

Date of Establishment: 2/2/2022
Under the vision of "Change the industry of the world from Japan once again" we integrate management consulting and venture capital methods to provide newly developed comprehensive innovation services for legacy organizations in anticipation of industrial transformation.
Its main services include innovation strategy formulation and execution management, innovation organizations and systems, CVC establishment, new business incubation, open innovation, venture investment and M & A, product development and lab business, and private equity business.

Eiicon Co., Ltd

Date of Establishment: 3/4/2023
The vision of eiicon is "From a Less Innovative Country to a More Open Innovation Country."
Through the "AUBA" platform, which has more than 30,000 registered companies to date, the“ INNOVATION VITAL ” tool for visualizing and analyzing companies ’ “innovation scores, ” and the support provided by dedicated consultants, we will work together with large and small companies, startups, and the government to spread open innovation to society.


In this project, we are looking for "Smart Service Promoters" to support startups, etc. that are responsible for prompt implementation of smart services. Through the support of startups, etc. with smart city-related technologies and assets, please support the implementation of services in each area in collaboration with Smart City's Field & Infrastructure Providers.

Ideal image of the Smart Service Promoter

Since Smart Service Promoters need to work on smart service implementation utilizing their own strengths in cooperation with Smart City's Field & Infrastructure Providers, etc., the following are examples of requirements.

The private-sector business operator has the ability to promote business by providing the necessary support for startups to implement smart services, utilizing its own knowledge, know-how, and network.

The private-sector business operator has the network with other entities necessary to provide effective support for startups, etc.

The private-sector business operator has the ability to coordinate the implementation of smart services by involving project stakeholders and Smart City's Field & Infrastructure Providers in the project.

For other detailed information on the requirements for the Smart Service Promoter, please refer to the application guidelines.

Role of the Smart Service Promoter

Smart Service Promoters are requested to support startups, etc. so that a total of 20 or more smart services can be implemented per promoter over the three-year adoption period.
In addition, in order to promote the implementation of smart services, the Smart Service Promoters are requested to cooperate and collaborate with Smart City's Field & Infrastructure Providers, etc., and to cooperate in public relations regarding the usefulness of smart services to the citizens of Tokyo.
In promoting efforts toward implementation, through dialogue and coordination with Smart City's Field & Infrastructure Providers, etc., please note that the Smart Service Provider should understand the background of efforts made in each area, local needs, etc., and to build relationships for smooth implementation of services.

Application Requirements

Applications that meet the following requirements will be accepted.
Private-sector business operators may apply in partnership, but in that case, a representative business operator must be selected and the representative business operator must submit the application.(After adoption, an agreement will be concluded with business operators in partnership, but the performance-based agreement fee will be paid to the representative business operator.)

The applicant must be incorporated in Japan and meet one of the following conditions

A for-profit corporation related to the so-called “professional business” such as a joint stock company, partnership company (general partnership company, limited partnership company, limited liability company), audit corporation, or legal professional corporation.

Specified nonprofit corporations, general incorporated foundations, general incorporated associations

Other entities recognized by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government

The applicant must have a track record of support for startups, etc.

The applicant must have the knowledge and relationships necessary for the implementation of smart services.

Application Schedule

Briefing session held

The briefing session for this project will be posted on the video website from Wednesdaty, April 10 (tentative) after the start of recruitment. If you wish to view the video, please contact the following "Integrator" below by e-mail by Friday, April 5th.
After the release, Integrator will contact you with the viewing URL. In addition, the briefing video is expected to be released for about 2 weeks, and it will not be possible to watch it after the period ends.

Smart Service Promoter applicants and related companies and organizations

Main contents
Project overview, application requirements, KPI indicators and evaluation methods, payment, application procedures, overall schedule, etc.

If you have any questions, please send your questions via e-mail to the "Contact". The deadline for receiving questions is Wednesday, April 24.

Application Period

From Monday, April 1, 2024 to Wednesday, May 8, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.

Selection Process

The screening will be conducted by a panel of experts, and will consist of two stages: a document screening and a presentation screening.
The presentation screening will be held in mid-August (tentative) for applicants who have passed the initial document screening.
Details will be sent to applicants separately.

First round of screening (written documents): Mid-May

Second round of screening (presentation): Mid-May to late May (tentative)

Result notification: Late May (tentative)

選定の流れ説明イラスト画像 選定の流れ説明イラスト画像(スマートフォン用)

Pre-entry before submission of application forms

Businesses that intend to apply should contact the "Integrator" below by e-mail by Friday, April 17.
The purpose of the pre-entry is to confirm the applicant's intention to apply in advance, and does not preclude the applicant from declining the application after pre-entry or applying without pre-entry.

Sign up

Appreciation requirements

Appreciation form


The contact form is in preparation.

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